February 21, 2009

Octopus Salad

Submitted by Isa and Mario


*1 4.5 pound fresh octopus (serves 8 entre size)
*3 cloves of garlic
*1 large sweet onion
*hand full parsley
*1 orange sweet pepper
*1 red sweet pepper
*1 yellow sweet pepper
*1 bottle of red vinegar
*olive oil
*balsamic vinegar
*salt to taste

(in a large pan that fits the octopus at least 2 inches high)

-rinse the octopus with water
-place it in the pan
-fill the pan with enough red vinigar to cover most of the octopus
-heat oven to 500f
-place the octopus in the oven for 1:15

(to check for tendernous, stick a fork in to the thicker part of the
octopus if it penetrates easily its done, if not place back in the
over for another 15 min)

-once cooked, let it cool and sit in the red vinegar for about 8 hours.
-heat BBQ to high
-drain the red vinigar from the pan
-mix 2 parts olive oil to 1 part balsamic in a bowl and salt it (enough
to brush over the octopus)
-place the octopus in the BBQ on high heat, let it char for 5 min each
-side while basting with the octopus with the olive oil and balsamic
-once cooked let it cool

dice in to a bowl:
*3 cloves of garlic
*1 large sweet onion
*hand full chopped parsley
*1/2 orange sweet pepper
*1/2 red sweet pepper
*1/2 yellow sweet pepper

-slice the cooled octopus, and place it in the same bowl as all the
diced ingredients. 

-add the same olive oil and balsamic dressing to the bowl (not too much so that it accumulates at the bottom of the bowl)


Enjoy with your favorite chilled white wine!